Delaware consumers are often faced with the prospect of paying extremely high interest rates for “pay day loans.” Pay day loan creditors are very aggressive in their collection efforts. These efforts include the filing civil actions in Court to secure judgments against the Delaware consumers. Wage attachments and sales of household goods could be the next step in their collection efforts.
Delaware Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 wage earner plans provide a perfectly legal way to stop payday loan harassment and help you get back on your feet. A conversation with our bankruptcy lawyers could be useful in this situation.
Call our office for more information or to schedule a free initial consultation.
Doroshow, Pasquale, Krawitz & Bhaya’s bankruptcy practice is focused throughout all of Delaware. We have offices in Elsmere (suburban Wilmington), Bear, Dover, Middletown, Milford, Millsboro, Seaford and Smyrna.