Since 1978, we’ve collected hundreds of thousands of dollars for healthcare providers from automobile and workers’ compensation insurance carriers. We will work closely with your office to make sure your bills are paid promptly at the highest reimbursement rates from the resources that are available.
We now have a healthcare provider E-newsletter to keep you up to date regarding recent changes in the law. If you would like to subscribe, click here:
Newsletter Archives:
February 16, 2016–New Bulletin from the Delaware Insurance Department
December 22, 2015–Workers’ Compensation Fee Schedule Update
December 8, 2015–Workers’ Comp to adopt ICD-10 Codes
September 2015–Seminar announced-save the date! |
February 2015–Changes to the Workers’ Compensation Fee Schedule |
July 28, 2014–House Bill 373 Creates Changes to Workers’ Compensation |
May 13, 2014–Healthcare Guideline Changes |
April 28, 2014-Provider Certification Update |
February 2014 – Hold/Cold Packs Rate Change |
January 2014 –WC Pharmacy Formulary Changes |
October 2013-Patient Medical Records Requests |
September 3, 2013: When PIP Coverage Extends Beyond 2 Years |
August 8, 2013-Breaking News-PIP Coverage Expanded |
July 1, 2013–Breaking News–Governor Signs HB175 |
June 2013: Maintaining Your Workers’ Compensation Certification |
March 12, 2013: Common Insurance Questions for Healthcare Providers |
November 28, 2012 – To Get Your Bills Paid Quickly, You Must Document the Claim |
September 20, 2012 – Tips on Getting Your Medical Bills Paid, Part 2 |
August 13, 2012–Breaking News: Legislative update concerning physicians with multiple locations and physician’s assistants. |
August 6, 2012–Tips on getting your medical bills paid |
June 4, 2012-Which insurance company should be billed? |
February 22, 2012-New State regulations for prescribing controlled substances |
February 19, 2012-Medical Bill Liens |
February 2, 2012-Workers’ Compensation 2012 Fee Schedule |
January 30, 2012-Bill Reimbursements for Slip and Fall Injuries |
Top Ten Ways to Get Your Bills Paid by
Automobile and Workers’ Compensation Insurance