Why You Should Always Wear a Helmet
Whether you ride a motorcycle or a bicycle on a regular basis, there is a multitude of reasons why you should wear a helmet. Regardless of how knowledgeable a rider you may be, you’re extremely vulnerable to a wide range of potentially devastating injuries.
Here is some important information on bike safety that we hope you take to heart.
Do You Have to Wear a Helmet When Riding a Bike?
In Delaware, everyone under the age of 16 must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. All persons 19 years of age or younger must have a helmet in their possession when on a motorcycle.
The consequences of not wearing a bicycle helmet can be life-altering, ranging from scarring and abrasions to fractures, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and even death. The risks simply are not worth it. While there may be pros and cons of wearing a helmet, you should always stay on the safe side and protect your head — it doesn’t matter how long or short your ride may be.
A Mountain of Evidence
There are several studies that show wearing a bicycle helmet can provide protection against falls that can lead to major injuries, yet many people continue to tempt fate. One study in particular showed that even if you purchase an inexpensive helmet, you’ll still be much better protected than if you went without. As long as the helmet passes U.S. standards, it could make the difference between getting some minor bumps and bruises and suffering an injury that will ruin your life.
Check Your Bicycle Safety Helmet Often
One of the best ways to help ensure that wearing a bicycle helmet will provide the most protection possible is to make sure it fits properly. You should then check it on a regular basis for any kinds of cracks or abrasions. If you see any small cracks on the shell, that’s a sign it needs to be replaced. In addition, the thickness of the interior foam should be uniform and the buckle and straps need to be in good shape.
Get Legal Help If You Are Hurt in a Bicycle Accident
While the answer to the question of, “Should I wear a helmet to bike” will always be “yes,” unfortunately, accidents still happen no matter how many precautions we may take. If you or someone you love has been injured in a bicycle accident, you need to speak with an attorney. A lawyer could help you obtain compensation for medical expenses and other bills if the accident was caused by either a motorist or some sort of defect with the bike.
An experienced attorney can work with experts in order to find out the exact cause of an accident, and then pursue either a lawsuit or an insurance claim on your behalf. Doroshow, Pasquale, Krawitz, and Bhaya has a great deal of experience in this area of the law, and one of our attorneys will be happy to answer any of your questions. Contact us today if you would like more information.